We live in small international communities of 3 to 7 Sisters, without choosing one another.
Our daily life is punctuated by:
community and personal prayer times
the Mission (of each Sister and of the Community together)
community meetings
community tasks
the community project
Living in community is an integral part of our life as religious.
Fraternal life is based on faith in the call of God which makes us sisters.
We want to testify that the Love of Christ makes possible a life together with our riches, our differences and our limitations.
" Show that universal brotherhood is not a utopia but the very dream of Jesus “, he invited in a message read for the entry into the Year of Consecrated Life. It's about witnessing against a current » of the company for « wake up the world ".
With the radicalism of a prophet: A religious must never renounce prophecy. "But by testifying, at the same time, in an appropriate way" to the needs of the world “, paying particular attention to the” cry of the poor ".
Pope Francis